Sunday, August 12, 2007


I owe Achand a very big debt of gratitude as he was instrumental in me obtaining Oliver’s passport. Many other people have offered but never done anything. Some have stole my money or just plain lied to me but he was the person who actually made it a reality. He had a friend in the immigration department in Mataram and through him Oliver’s passport was done. It cost me a lot of money though. I paid the equivalent of $1000 Australian to get the passport. I also gave Achand a quite large sum of money too. But he deserved it. Achand helped me and I think he would probably walk on broken glass if I asked him to because he is still in love with me. I met him about seven years ago when I would sneak off from a very bad relationship with my first Indonesian lover to meet him and have sex in cheap hotels. We met every time I was in Lombok and it was quite exciting. Back in those days I used to travel from Sumbawa to Lombok every weekend on the company ferry to be with Oliver, who was under one year old at the time and to be with my nasty Indonesian boyfriend. (Yes, Berry you are another story – some other time.) To keep my clandestine meetings for sex with Achand, my excuse to my then boyfriend was that I was going shopping. I knew that Achand fell in love with me through those meetings but I never ever felt the same for him. He told me he loved me. I can’t explain why I didn’t feel the same for him. It was always nice with him and I liked him a lot but that chemical thing never ever happened for me. We didn’t have contact for several years because of another very bad relationship. Detect a pattern here? About a two years ago we re-established contact. Over the passed few months we have cemented a bond of friendship akin to what I believe having a brother would be like. I only have a sister. I have told him he is the closest I will ever become to having a brother. He still wants to do it with me though which is a bit incestuous really!

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