My son can read. He is learning because he is ready and he wants and he sees a need to. He didn’t start school when he was two years old. I did not push to enrol him at three. At four, he still wasn’t at “school.” He didn’t go to play group. He hasn’t really done kindergarten either. I have let him play. Play – that’s a foreign concept to many parents. It actually means letting your child create, explore and discover at their leisure without any interference at all. From the ages of two to five, I really and honestly believe they don’t need any other child around to do this. In fact from my observations of children and knowledge of their development, and observing my own son, I believe that it is counterproductive to force them to socialise with others of the same age. Later they are ready and it is important. You can give them materials and expose them to lots of things but never ever try to “teach” them anything. At seven or beyond it is appropriate. But never at three – especially for boys! Look into why some Scandinavian countries have such late starting ages for children. I am proud of the fact that I have done this. He is nearly seven. He is amazing. He attends formal schooling in the local village here in Indonesia and has done for the past year so he learns to speak his native tongue. He speaks English like a young Australian boy and can speak Indonesian as well. He reads too. The other day he was working on the computer in the living room and I happened to hear him reading labels on the folders. “Oliver’s Sumbawan Costumes” was the title of one of them…….
Go Oliver!
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