I have tried to blog regularly but it's so hard. I have kept up my promise to upload photographs of Indonesian faces for my other blog http://facesofindonesia.blogspot.com and it has become an obsession which I actually enjoy feeding. I must have a bank of photographs so I don't suddenly one day see there are none to upload. I enjoy taking and adding to the pile I have already taken. To date I have 288 faces! The key to blogging everyday or regularly is to just type in your thoughts that day - like one would in a diary. Pity it has taken me so long to figure that out. I was trying to write about things from too far back - and who cares anyway. No one reads this. So I can say what I like. I will make a resolution again and now to blog every few days and just let the thoughts pour out. I am exercising again and I feel great. At the moment I am having lots of casual sex too. I have a little army of men who I can call on now at almost anytime. They come late in the evening and we do it and then they go. I pay some of them........ that's cool. They have not much and I can afford to. Life is very good at the moment.
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