My resolution to blog everyday hasn't happened but I am going to try and change that. My first blog since the end of February! I have made a few changes in other areas of my life and will try to incorporate daily blogging into that new regime. I used to be addicted to regular gym workouts when I lived in Tasmania. I would religiously train at least three times a week by doing some weights and some sort of aerobics class depending on what was then being bandied about as the latest and best exercise. I remember doing step classes where one would leap over and on a low box to music while watching the instructor manoeuvre through a carefully choreographed routine. Sometimes I could keep up and do all the moves and sometimes I was a tangle of legas and arms. But it was fun. So this week I returned to the gym here at the school and did a workout. Ten minutes on the exercise bike and a program of weights. I am sore now though. I plan to do two sessions per week and will swim once or twice a week too. It has taken so long to get motivated to actually go and I have planned on doing it for ages but once you go the addiction sets in and I am looking forward to my next workout!
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