Another list! It’s like a disease - once you make the first one - or is it an easy way out that gets thoughts from the few remaining brain cells I have left, into some physical form?
I am no sage or great intellectual but in my time on this planet I have come to realise that there are some basic tenets of conduct or what I shall call universal truths, that describe and should shape our existence for the short time we have here and I believe the world would be a better place if everyone followed them.
I will impart them now:
1. Love unconditionally.
2. Always insist on and live by the truth.
3. A parent should never ever have to bury their child.
4. Nothing is ever, ever, ever as good as sex.
5. The only farts you will enjoy are your own.
6. Size doesn’t matter.
7. Empathise.
8. Find out who you are as soon as possible in your life so you don’t waste time.
9. Everything you own, have, buy, possess will one day belong to someone else.
10. Worry is a useless, wasteful emotion.
11. The past has gone and doesn’t deserve a second thought.
12. Live for the day.
13. Treat other people how you should be treated.
14. Sushi, mangoes, wine and chocolate are four things almost as good as sex or a fabulous accompaniment to sex. Eaten separately I mean!
15. Always swim and sleep naked.
16. Accept change in all its forms. Your body, your face and externally - as it’s the only thing you can ever be sure of.
17. You will die and no longer exist. (See Suicide).
18. Giving is just as important as receiving.
19. Reject insincerity, dishonesty, carelessness and selfishness in others.
20. Nothing is ever, ever, ever as good as sex. (Didn’t I already put that one in?)
Hey indeed another list. Right now, I'd just take the be nice to everyone part. Amazing that people find that so hard to do.
The internet is almost completely useless here at school today.
Actually looking back on your list, I disagree with 11 and 17. Just arrived in Bali after a very fast 14 hour trip - new record.
I can't find your email address so I'm putting the procedure here.
Hey Stephen,
I didn’t know you were going to Australia. Well, I bought the Mac which is incredible. Working very well right now, but they didn’t have a modem so I am working with my laptop and transferring files back and forth. Much easier than it used to be.
I finally found an ftp program that I could use on the PC, and I uploaded the big flash file for our school as well as your powerpoint and your Magritte files. So the problem is that we are only allowed 500kb to be uploaded by a browser because of the time involved in working that way. We will be able to do this by ftp but we will need a modem for the Mac which I have on order. It should come in a few weeks. In the meantime, we can use your laptop.
The ftp host should read ftp.batuhijauhschool.org. You will need to put the username in your program which should be batuh001, and the password which is 0w!#jm5b4. Once you get connected, you upload from your local directory which will be the bhis stuff on your computer. When you get connected to our folder in Omnis, you will see four folders, you want to open the www folder. Once you get that open you can open the folders inside to load your stuff.
If you have any problems send me an email and I’ll try to guide you through it more smoothly. Some ftp programs are very obtuse. I’m using cuteftp which is easy to use but does not have a mac counterpart. I tried to download fetch which is what I used to use years ago but it isn’t working well and since I don’t have a connection with the Mac, I’ll just have to wait and see what you have.
I’m renovating the house here by myself. Physical labor is good for the soul, don’t you know.
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