So many ideas go through my head about things I want to wrtie about it's ridiculous. Stupid thing is I haven't written any of them - yet. I am going to try and remedy that, starting now. I decided to have some painting done at my little house on the beach. The back porch is especially drab and unloved. There are lots of potted plants there now and more furniture than is inside the house but it all looked junky and uninviting. The deck faces the beach and everyone who visits is envious of my backyard view to the ocean. So I thought I should make more of it and spend more time sitting out there. Blue was chosen as the colour and now it's been done I am contemplating painting the rest of the house. I have this weird idea of doing each wall a different colour though - not just any old colours but connected somehow. When I say I am having the walls painted I mean someone else is doing it. I am paying them. I asked my friend and general handy person to do it and he wouldn't because I had bought the 'wrong paint'. The only colour I liked was available in a water based paint and he was adamant it wouldn't stay on the metal wall where I wanted it put. My maid volunteered the services of her husband's brother I think she said, and he is the one doing the painting right now as I type. He was there on Saturday too and like some Indonesian men, seemed very curious about this 'bule' he was working for. He is quite nice looking and my mind did wander to thoughts of ripping his clothes off...........but I didn't. I am still working up the courage to ask my maid how old he is. He looks about 18 but it's hard to tell. If he is 20, well maybe yes, I would see if he wants to play with the white man - just once.
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