Thank God for Band Aids – well I can’t say that because I am an atheist. Well thank you whoever invented them! Last night while preparing a gourmet feast of spaghetti bolognaise (cooked lovingly even using a cup of the red wine that I was also drinking), I cut my thumb whilst grating the parmesan cheese. I soldiered on trying to ignore the bleeding and just occasionally wiping it with a handy tissue. I was also playing on both computers at my house – backing up files from my laptop to the eMac that takes up three quarters of my dining table. The bloody thing just keep oozing blood so I had to resort to actually finding a Band Aid to stem the flow. Just one little magic strip of cloth and plastic and I am back in action. Amazing things. The thumb grating was just the caviar on the blini in what turned out to be a shitty day really. My month old waitlist status on a flight to get back from Australia during my break turned out to be never list and subsequently my holiday plans are now in complete chaos. My partner in Jakarta threw a fit about a black and white image I’d taken, which graces the photography slide show on my website, and insisted I remove it. It was a really nice shot of a man who spent a night at my house once. He possessed a very fine body and ample crutch. He posed enthusiastically on my sofa and the image is of him reclining, bare-chested, from chest to just above the knees. He is wearing tight blue jeans and there are two remote controls. I protested that it was a great shot. My partner, in his insecurity failed to see its artistic merit. Probably because when he asked me about it, I said the subject was someone I had had sex with. Oh boy, that was an interesting night too. I distinctly remember being woken at some wee hour in the morning when Anton waved his arm in a sleepy stupor, knocking a crystal wine glass off the bedside table, sending it smashing to the floor. Luckily, the glass was empty. He didn’t even wake up as I studiously vacuumed the shards off the floor ensuring he wouldn’t need multiple Band Aids on his feet in the morning.
All I can say is thank God it was a cheese grater last night that I was dealing with and not a band saw or large rampant out of control motor vehicle coming towards me, or stacks of broken wine glasses on the floor. Maybe someone could invent really massive Band Aids that would work on major bleeds.
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