Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Evil People

It has been a very long time since my last blog. I feel another list coming on.
Oh dear. Here goes:
The 10 Worst People Who Have Ever Lived Or Are Still Alive According To Me:

1. Asmali Besar aka Jack. This asshole sucked the life from me. He enticed me into doing really dumb things and made me feel like shit the whole time I was with him. He really was very clever and able to manipulate and was the supreme practitioner of emotional blackmail. (And my god I hope you are reading this because you really need to know what a low-down excuse for a human being you really are.) It’s really funny because one of the staff here at Yoyo’s has a pet weasel and he’s been named Jack, because the staff here hated you too!!!! My time with Jack was a blot on my development as a person and now I wake everyday and relish the fact that he is gone and I no longer have to deal with his psychotic behaviour and subtle mind games. I am happier now than I have ever been and my positiveness is returning.
2. Sorry that one took a while. Number two has to be Aryana or Yana or whatever the bitch’s name was who promised me a passport for Oliver but all she did was steal over 70 million rupiah from me. Long story. See Expatriates In Jakarta - Beware Of This Woman!!
3. Yuki – her friend who put me in contact with her in the first place and is the ultimate slime-ball. I knew him before this stuff with the passport and had sex with him. He wanted to do it again when I met him recently and I refused and I can’t help but think that he tried to get back at me because I said no.
4. Rupert. The ex-principal of the school where I work. Sorry, I know he’s dead as the result of hitting a tree in a skiing accident, but he caused me so much heartache and stress that he has to be on the list. He also did the same to many other people on our staff and was not a very nice person full stop. My black sense of humour has trouble dealing with the image of him in his self satisfied, large payout from the company state blissfully careening down a mountain to end up cold and lifeless on a mortuary slab.
5. Adolf Hitler. Enough said.
6. Paris Hilton. My god, how can someone so vacuous and self-indulgent become a worldwide celebrity? What has she done to make the world a better place and improve the lot of humanity?
7. Pol Pot. The people of Cambodia suffered under this tyrant who was responsible for the deaths of a least a million people through torture, starvation, execution, disease and forced labour.
8. Mao Tse-tung. This revered leader killed between 20 and 67 million people. No one is really sure that’s how horrific this one is! In Beijing I couldn’t believe that thousands of Chinese queue for hours to file past his body in a huge, expensively maintained mausoleum.
9. Nicolae Ceausescu. This Romanian madman issued a decree that all women should bear five children. He also forbade testing of the nation’s blood supply for AIDS.
10. I think nine is enough because the list could go on for much longer. There are many more candidates and what constitutes an evil person anyway? The first four on my list are not evil people compared to last five – they just did bad stuff. But maybe given the right circumstances they could be just as bad. If you are prepared to do bad stuff to one person what stops you from doing it to a whole group?

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